These methods extract data from, and attribute new data to, objects of class "lpca" and "lsvd" from the logisticPCA package. The signature functions logisticPCA::logisticPCA(), logisticPCA::logisticSVD(), and logisticPCA::convexLogisticPCA() have *_ord() wrappers that add row and column names from the input matrix to the output matrices.

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lsvd

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for lpca

# S3 method for clpca

# S3 method for clpca

# S3 method for clpca

# S3 method for clpca

# S3 method for clpca

# S3 method for clpca

# S3 method for clpca



An ordination object.


# site-species data frame of Sanderson Galapagos finches data
data(finches, package = "cooccur")
#> [1] "data.frame"
finches[seq(6L), seq(6L)]
#>                       Seymour Baltra Isabella Fernandina Santiago Rabida
#> Geospiza magnirostris       0      0        1          1        1      1
#> Geospiza fortis             1      1        1          1        1      1
#> Geospiza fuliginosa         1      1        1          1        1      1
#> Geospiza difficilis         0      0        1          1        1      0
#> Geospiza scandens           1      1        1          0        1      1
#> Geospiza conirostris        0      0        0          0        0      0
# logistic singular value decomposition
finches %>% t() %>%
  logisticSVD_ord() %>%
  as_tbl_ord() %>%
  print() -> finches_lsvd
#> rARPACK must be installed to use partial_decomp
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lsvd': (17 x 2) x (13 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LSC1 and LSC2
#> # 
#> # Rows: [ 17 x 2 | 0 ]
#>    LSC1   LSC2 | 
#>                | 
#> 1 -29.6 -27.3  | 
#> 2 -29.6 -27.3  | 
#> 3  39.4  22.9  | 
#> 4  39.9  40.6  | 
#> 5  20.2   3.50 | 
#> # 
#> # Columns: [ 13 x 2 | 0 ]
#>     LSC1   LSC2 | 
#>                 | 
#> 1 0.233   0.231 | 
#> 2 0.223  -0.216 | 
#> 3 0.164  -0.318 | 
#> 4 0.0787  0.548 | 
#> 5 0.240  -0.451 | 
# summarize ordination
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>    rank n.row n.col inertia prop.var.1 prop.var.2 class
#>   <int> <int> <int>   <dbl> <lgl>      <lgl>      <chr>
#> 1     2    17    13      NA NA         NA         lsvd 
# recover row and column singular vectors
#>                      LSC1       LSC2
#> Seymour       -29.6262671 -27.292836
#> Baltra        -29.6262671 -27.292836
#> Isabella       39.4314874  22.927636
#> Fernandina     39.8768982  40.613511
#> Santiago       20.1536654   3.503292
#> Rabida         15.4603101 -22.650661
#> Pinzon         40.5096442 -24.660902
#> Santa.Cruz     20.1536654   3.503292
#> Santa.Fe       15.4603101 -22.650661
#> San.Cristobal   8.7235247  12.421222
#> Espanola      -61.7590052 -11.873004
#> Floreana       13.6420482  -9.833823
#> Genovesa      -51.8042665  33.189084
#> Marchena       -0.9206994 -23.984187
#> Pinta          10.1096479  -7.046090
#> Darwin        -24.8923482  30.563483
#> Wolf          -24.8923482  30.563483
#>                                 LSC1        LSC2
#> Geospiza magnirostris     0.23272839  0.23084971
#> Geospiza fortis           0.22266425 -0.21621915
#> Geospiza fuliginosa       0.16417675 -0.31757704
#> Geospiza difficilis       0.07874014  0.54780935
#> Geospiza scandens         0.24004813 -0.45074613
#> Geospiza conirostris     -0.27006945  0.03652519
#> Camarhynchus psittacula   0.44241704 -0.28775708
#> Camarhynchus pauper       0.02115053 -0.02454548
#> Camarhynchus parvulus     0.43989011  0.13896548
#> Platyspiza crassirostris  0.33265957 -0.05424971
#> Cactospiza pallida        0.44093325  0.36126149
#> Cactospiza heliobates     0.19435918  0.24151680
#> Certhidea olivacea        0.00000000  0.00000000
# augment ordination with point names and main effect estimates
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lsvd': (17 x 2) x (13 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LSC1 and LSC2
#> # 
#> # Rows: [ 17 x 2 | 1 ]
#>    LSC1   LSC2 |   .name     
#>                |   <chr>     
#> 1 -29.6 -27.3  | 1 Seymour   
#> 2 -29.6 -27.3  | 2 Baltra    
#> 3  39.4  22.9  | 3 Isabella  
#> 4  39.9  40.6  | 4 Fernandina
#> 5  20.2   3.50 | 5 Santiago  
#> # … with 12 more rows
#> # 
#> # Columns: [ 13 x 2 | 2 ]
#>     LSC1   LSC2 |   .name                   .mu
#>                 |   <chr>                 <dbl>
#> 1 0.233   0.231 | 1 Geospiza magnirostris  9.02
#> 2 0.223  -0.216 | 2 Geospiza fortis        5.97
#> 3 0.164  -0.318 | 3 Geospiza fuliginosa    9.86
#> 4 0.0787  0.548 | 4 Geospiza difficilis    6.88
#> 5 0.240  -0.451 | 5 Geospiza scandens      5.85
#> # … with 8 more rows
# summarize artifical coordinates (inertia is undefined)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   .name .inertia .prop_var
#>   <fct>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 LSC1        NA        NA
#> 2 LSC2        NA        NA
# biplot (inertia is not defined and cannot be conferred)
finches_lsvd %>%
  augment_ord() %>%
  ggbiplot(aes(label = .name), sec.axes = "cols", scale.factor = 100) +
  theme_biplot() +
  geom_rows_vector(alpha = .5, color = "darkred") +
  geom_rows_text_radiate(size = 3, color = "darkred") +
  geom_cols_label(size = 3, alpha = .5, color = "royalblue3",
                  subset = grep("Geospiza", rownames(finches))) +
  geom_cols_point(alpha = .5, color = "royalblue3",
                  subset = -grep("Geospiza", rownames(finches))) +
    "Logistic SVD of the Galapagos island finches",
    "Islands (finches) scaled to the primary (secondary) axes"
  ) +
  expand_limits(x = c(-80, 60))

# logistic principal components analysis
finches %>% t() %>%
  logisticPCA_ord() %>%
  as_tbl_ord() %>%
  print() -> finches_lpca
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lpca': (17 x 2) x (13 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LPC1 and LPC2
#> # 
#> # Rows: [ 17 x 2 | 0 ]
#>     LPC1   LPC2 | 
#>                 | 
#> 1   2.02 -10.4  | 
#> 2   2.02 -10.4  | 
#> 3 -11.5    4.62 | 
#> 4  -8.64   7.51 | 
#> 5 -10.6    1.65 | 
#> # 
#> # Columns: [ 13 x 2 | 0 ]
#>      LPC1   LPC2 | 
#>                  | 
#> 1 -0.190   0.372 | 
#> 2 -0.365  -0.162 | 
#> 3 -0.279  -0.281 | 
#> 4  0.0389  0.568 | 
#> 5 -0.353  -0.361 | 
# summarize ordination
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>    rank n.row n.col inertia prop.var.1 prop.var.2 class
#>   <int> <int> <int>   <dbl> <lgl>      <lgl>      <chr>
#> 1     2    17    13      NA NA         NA         lpca 
# recover row and column singular vectors
#>                     LPC1       LPC2
#> Seymour         2.023724 -10.397181
#> Baltra          2.023724 -10.397181
#> Isabella      -11.462282   4.617838
#> Fernandina     -8.637309   7.509191
#> Santiago      -10.550473   1.647684
#> Rabida         -8.918118  -5.646950
#> Pinzon        -10.861505  -2.893910
#> Santa.Cruz    -10.550473   1.647684
#> Santa.Fe       -8.918118  -5.646950
#> San.Cristobal  -7.180472   2.053474
#> Espanola       10.051180  -6.573739
#> Floreana       -9.366138  -1.305495
#> Genovesa       11.075964   3.191334
#> Marchena       -6.024405  -7.139011
#> Pinta          -8.607086  -1.105356
#> Darwin          8.792960   3.551285
#> Wolf            8.792960   3.551285
#>                                  LPC1         LPC2
#> Geospiza magnirostris    -0.189800528  0.371915613
#> Geospiza fortis          -0.364934928 -0.161504893
#> Geospiza fuliginosa      -0.279019414 -0.281019273
#> Geospiza difficilis       0.038879072  0.567699286
#> Geospiza scandens        -0.353121630 -0.361419110
#> Geospiza conirostris      0.285375412 -0.044993792
#> Camarhynchus psittacula  -0.421250115 -0.050723706
#> Camarhynchus pauper      -0.094881516 -0.025017347
#> Camarhynchus parvulus    -0.361714230  0.186507607
#> Platyspiza crassirostris -0.394965465  0.086079284
#> Cactospiza pallida       -0.242923359  0.344130010
#> Cactospiza heliobates    -0.113976114  0.371269248
#> Certhidea olivacea        0.003074768  0.005710544
# augment ordination with point names and main effect estimates
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lpca': (17 x 2) x (13 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LPC1 and LPC2
#> # 
#> # Rows: [ 17 x 2 | 1 ]
#>     LPC1   LPC2 |   .name     
#>                 |   <chr>     
#> 1   2.02 -10.4  | 1 Seymour   
#> 2   2.02 -10.4  | 2 Baltra    
#> 3 -11.5    4.62 | 3 Isabella  
#> 4  -8.64   7.51 | 4 Fernandina
#> 5 -10.6    1.65 | 5 Santiago  
#> # … with 12 more rows
#> # 
#> # Columns: [ 13 x 2 | 2 ]
#>      LPC1   LPC2 |   .name                    .mu
#>                  |   <chr>                  <dbl>
#> 1 -0.190   0.372 | 1 Geospiza magnirostris  3.00 
#> 2 -0.365  -0.162 | 2 Geospiza fortis        1.10 
#> 3 -0.279  -0.281 | 3 Geospiza fuliginosa    1.91 
#> 4  0.0389  0.568 | 4 Geospiza difficilis    1.79 
#> 5 -0.353  -0.361 | 5 Geospiza scandens     -0.451
#> # … with 8 more rows
# summarize artifical coordinates (inertia is undefined)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   .name .inertia .prop_var
#>   <fct>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 LPC1        NA        NA
#> 2 LPC2        NA        NA
# biplot (inertia is not defined and cannot be conferred)
finches_lpca %>%
  augment_ord() %>%
  ggbiplot(aes(label = .name), sec.axes = "cols", scale.factor = 50) +
  theme_biplot() +
  geom_rows_vector(alpha = .5, color = "darkred") +
  geom_rows_text_radiate(size = 3, color = "darkred") +
  geom_cols_label(size = 3, alpha = .5, color = "royalblue3",
                  subset = grep("Geospiza", rownames(finches))) +
  geom_cols_point(alpha = .5, color = "royalblue3",
                  subset = -grep("Geospiza", rownames(finches))) +
    "Logistic PCA of the Galapagos island finches",
    "Islands (finches) scaled to the primary (secondary) axes"
  ) +
  expand_limits(x = c(-30, 25))

# convex logistic PCA, omitting ubiquitous finches
finches %>%
  dplyr::filter(dplyr::if_any(where(is.integer), ~ . == 0)) %>%
  t() %>%
  convexLogisticPCA_ord() %>%
  as_tbl_ord() %>%
  print() -> finches_clpca
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'clpca': (17 x 2) x (12 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LPC1 and LPC2
#> # 
#> # Rows: [ 17 x 2 | 0 ]
#>    LPC1   LPC2 | 
#>                | 
#> 1 -5.81 -9.59  | 
#> 2 -5.81 -9.59  | 
#> 3 10.0   3.39  | 
#> 4  7.81  6.94  | 
#> 5  9.14  0.958 | 
#> # 
#> # Columns: [ 12 x 2 | 0 ]
#>    LPC1   LPC2 | 
#>                | 
#> 1 0.232  0.275 | 
#> 2 0.355 -0.293 | 
#> 3 0.210 -0.315 | 
#> 4 0.110  0.568 | 
#> 5 0.275 -0.444 | 
# summarize ordination
#> # A tibble: 1 × 7
#>    rank n.row n.col inertia prop.var.1 prop.var.2 class
#>   <int> <int> <int>   <dbl> <lgl>      <lgl>      <chr>
#> 1     2    17    12      NA NA         NA         clpca
# recover row and column singular vectors
#>                     LPC1       LPC2
#> Seymour        -5.808312 -9.5867231
#> Baltra         -5.808312 -9.5867231
#> Isabella       10.011892  3.3861344
#> Fernandina      7.810786  6.9392592
#> Santiago        9.141178  0.9575415
#> Rabida          6.359886 -5.9335427
#> Pinzon          8.263273 -3.5840566
#> Santa.Cruz      9.141178  0.9575415
#> Santa.Fe        6.359886 -5.9335427
#> San.Cristobal   6.217594  1.1154622
#> Espanola      -12.656243 -2.9519295
#> Floreana        7.959382 -1.2593863
#> Genovesa      -11.601601  6.3122697
#> Marchena        2.827927 -7.3485368
#> Pinta           7.237792 -1.3919446
#> Darwin         -9.790962  5.5775300
#> Wolf           -9.790962  5.5775300
#>                                 LPC1        LPC2
#> Geospiza magnirostris     0.23203722  0.27543446
#> Geospiza fortis           0.35452323 -0.29336613
#> Geospiza fuliginosa       0.20994515 -0.31489069
#> Geospiza difficilis       0.10973820  0.56769976
#> Geospiza scandens         0.27513825 -0.44414060
#> Geospiza conirostris     -0.22632981  0.09184247
#> Camarhynchus psittacula   0.36544810 -0.01974009
#> Camarhynchus pauper       0.09019874  0.01656979
#> Camarhynchus parvulus     0.44149495  0.17687426
#> Platyspiza crassirostris  0.48204454  0.02407893
#> Cactospiza pallida        0.23792332  0.29368577
#> Cactospiza heliobates     0.10883916  0.30357411
# augment ordination with point names and main effect estimates
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'clpca': (17 x 2) x (12 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LPC1 and LPC2
#> # 
#> # Rows: [ 17 x 2 | 1 ]
#>    LPC1   LPC2 |   .name     
#>                |   <chr>     
#> 1 -5.81 -9.59  | 1 Seymour   
#> 2 -5.81 -9.59  | 2 Baltra    
#> 3 10.0   3.39  | 3 Isabella  
#> 4  7.81  6.94  | 4 Fernandina
#> 5  9.14  0.958 | 5 Santiago  
#> # … with 12 more rows
#> # 
#> # Columns: [ 12 x 2 | 2 ]
#>    LPC1   LPC2 |   .name                   .mu
#>                |   <chr>                 <dbl>
#> 1 0.232  0.275 | 1 Geospiza magnirostris 1.54 
#> 2 0.355 -0.293 | 2 Geospiza fortis       1.18 
#> 3 0.210 -0.315 | 3 Geospiza fuliginosa   1.54 
#> 4 0.110  0.568 | 4 Geospiza difficilis   0.357
#> 5 0.275 -0.444 | 5 Geospiza scandens     0.875
#> # … with 7 more rows
# summarize artifical coordinates (inertia is undefined)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   .name .inertia .prop_var
#>   <fct>    <dbl>     <dbl>
#> 1 LPC1        NA        NA
#> 2 LPC2        NA        NA
# biplot (inertia is not defined and cannot be conferred)
finches_clpca %>%
  augment_ord() %>%
  ggbiplot(aes(label = .name), sec.axes = "cols", scale.factor = 50) +
  theme_biplot() +
  geom_rows_vector(alpha = .5, color = "darkred") +
  geom_rows_text_radiate(size = 3, color = "darkred") +
  geom_cols_label(size = 3, alpha = .5, color = "royalblue3",
                  subset = grep("Geospiza", rownames(finches))) +
  geom_cols_point(alpha = .5, color = "royalblue3",
                  subset = -grep("Geospiza", rownames(finches))) +
    "Convex logistic PCA of the Galapagos island finches",
    "Islands (finches) scaled to the primary (secondary) axes"
  ) +
  expand_limits(x = c(-25, 35))