These *_ord functions wrap core R functions with modifications for use with 'tbl_ord' methods. Some parameters are hidden from the user and set to settings required for these methods, some matrix outputs are given row or column names to be used by them, and new '*_ord' S3 class attributes are added to enable them.

eigen_ord(x, symmetric = isSymmetric.matrix(x))

svd_ord(x, nu = min(dim(x)), nv = min(dim(x)))

cmdscale_ord(d, k = 2, add = FALSE)

cancor_ord(x, y, xcenter = TRUE, ycenter = TRUE, scores = FALSE)



a numeric or complex matrix whose spectral decomposition is to be computed. Logical matrices are coerced to numeric.


if TRUE, the matrix is assumed to be symmetric (or Hermitian if complex) and only its lower triangle (diagonal included) is used. If symmetric is not specified, isSymmetric(x) is used.


the number of left singular vectors to be computed. This must between 0 and n = nrow(x).


the number of right singular vectors to be computed. This must be between 0 and p = ncol(x).


a distance structure such as that returned by dist or a full symmetric matrix containing the dissimilarities.


the maximum dimension of the space which the data are to be represented in; must be in \(\{1, 2, \ldots, n-1\}\).


logical indicating if an additive constant \(c*\) should be computed, and added to the non-diagonal dissimilarities such that the modified dissimilarities are Euclidean.


numeric matrix (\(n \times p_2\)), containing the y coordinates.


logical or numeric vector of length \(p_1\), describing any centering to be done on the x values before the analysis. If TRUE (default), subtract the column means. If FALSE, do not adjust the columns. Otherwise, a vector of values to be subtracted from the columns.


analogous to xcenter, but for the y values.


Logical; whether to return canonical scores and structure correlations.


Objects slightly modified from the outputs of the original functions, with new '*-ord' classes.


The following table summarizes the wrapped functions:

Original functionHide paramsNew paramsAdd namesNew class

By default, cancor_ord() returns the same data as stats::cancor(): the canonical correlations (cor), the canonical coefficients ($xcoef and $ycoef), and the variable means ($xcenter, $ycenter). If scores = TRUE, then cancor_ord() also returns the scores $xscores and $yscores calculated from the (appropriately centered) data and the coefficients and the intraset structure correlations $xstructure and $ystructure between these and the data. These modifications are inspired by the cancor() function in candisc, though two caveats should be noted: First, the canonical coefficients (hence the canonical scores) are scaled by \(n - 1\) compared to these, though the intraset structure correlations are the same. Second, the interset structure correlations are not returned, as these may be obtained by conferring inertia unto the intraset ones.


# glass composition data from one furnace
glass_banias <- subset(
  Context == "L.15;B.166",
  select = c("SiO2", "Na2O", "CaO", "Al2O3", "MgO", "K2O")
# eigendecomposition of a covariance matrix
(glass_cov <- cov(glass_banias))
#>             SiO2       Na2O        CaO    Al2O3         MgO      K2O
#> SiO2   2.6155367  0.6093667 -1.2869867 -0.45252 -0.46817333 -0.31149
#> Na2O   0.6093667  0.2559067 -0.3217067 -0.16542 -0.10587333 -0.10726
#> CaO   -1.2869867 -0.3217067  0.7060267  0.24842  0.20559333  0.13220
#> Al2O3 -0.4525200 -0.1654200  0.2484200  0.12716  0.07972000  0.07230
#> MgO   -0.4681733 -0.1058733  0.2055933  0.07972  0.09462667  0.06682
#> K2O   -0.3114900 -0.1072600  0.1322000  0.07230  0.06682000  0.06131
#> eigen() decomposition
#> $values
#> [1] 3.617285e+00 1.467376e-01 8.282650e-02 1.360291e-02 1.141672e-04
#> [6] 4.279624e-17
#> $vectors
#>              EV1         EV2         EV3         EV4        EV5        EV6
#> SiO2   0.8469970  0.31716695 -0.25837288 -0.11577441  0.2822267  0.1489597
#> Na2O   0.2099520 -0.79170694 -0.10021025 -0.51787194 -0.1385212  0.1780413
#> CaO   -0.4260986  0.04199369 -0.76882445 -0.05663831  0.3233201  0.3432808
#> Al2O3 -0.1556273  0.45906193 -0.08066526 -0.77062798 -0.2878426 -0.2860325
#> MgO   -0.1492104 -0.07286372  0.38010592 -0.30504020  0.8407925 -0.1672273
#> K2O   -0.1023356  0.23408287  0.42558539 -0.16816668 -0.0826960  0.8476385
# singular value decomposition of a data matrix
#> $d
#> [1] 177.16843535   2.56375788   0.82468871   0.51400398   0.21898181
#> [6]   0.01400983
#> $u
#>          SV1          SV2         SV3        SV4        SV5         SV6
#> 1 -0.4114474  0.268953258  0.54464383 -0.4529219  0.4351102  0.25938230
#> 2 -0.4099492  0.124966122  0.51481370  0.3162816 -0.6000110 -0.30206743
#> 3 -0.4097327 -0.103523503 -0.13351247  0.5115444  0.6162163 -0.40271096
#> 4 -0.3914429 -0.815275824 -0.07487103 -0.3907913 -0.1362392 -0.07220201
#> 5 -0.4168814  0.486413365 -0.59131457 -0.3710452 -0.1857274 -0.26036475
#> 6 -0.4095779 -0.007607042 -0.25543255  0.3778329 -0.1337444  0.77865078
#> $v
#>               SV1         SV2         SV3          SV4         SV5         SV6
#> SiO2  -0.97757835  0.09992541 -0.16303444  0.046753453 -0.05969843 -0.04500518
#> Na2O  -0.16869103  0.14528933  0.81605152 -0.238508341  0.42108755  0.22426170
#> CaO   -0.11569079 -0.87296399  0.28883998  0.323881874 -0.16853953  0.08840776
#> Al2O3 -0.01665686 -0.29609746 -0.38102381  0.008014293  0.87323378 -0.06533172
#> MgO   -0.03775856 -0.28137368  0.06285458 -0.713218748 -0.10916969 -0.62837365
#> K2O   -0.02822033 -0.19998734 -0.27371758 -0.572086712 -0.12751682  0.73535272
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "svd_ord"
# classical multidimensional scaling of a distance matrix
#> $points
#>             [,1]        [,2]
#> [1,] -0.87986198  0.53544035
#> [2,] -0.45244074  0.40907498
#> [3,] -0.08144239 -0.26484655
#> [4,]  3.61567304 -0.04227923
#> [5,] -1.99639680 -0.36657720
#> [6,] -0.20553113 -0.27081236
#> $eig
#> [1] 1.808643e+01 7.336881e-01 4.141325e-01 6.801456e-02 5.708361e-04
#> [6] 6.300478e-16
#> $x
#>              [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]       [,5]         [,6]
#> [1,] -2.207855556 -1.12728889  0.22354444   6.3455444 -3.2300556 -0.003888889
#> [2,] -1.127288889 -0.87692222  0.03611111   3.3851111 -1.3678889 -0.049122222
#> [3,]  0.223544444  0.03611111 -0.47385556   0.7213444 -0.2278556 -0.279288889
#> [4,]  6.345544444  3.38511111  0.72134444 -26.2322556 14.2529444  1.527311111
#> [5,] -3.230055556 -1.36788889 -0.22785556  14.2529444 -8.5234556 -0.903688889
#> [6,] -0.003888889 -0.04912222 -0.27928889   1.5273111 -0.9036889 -0.291322222
#> $ac
#> [1] 0
#> $GOF
#> [1] 0.9749924 0.9749924
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "cmds_ord"

# canonical correlation analysis with trace components
glass_banias_minor <- subset(
  Context == "L.15;B.166",
  select = c("TiO2", "FeO", "MnO", "P2O5", "Cl", "SO3")
# impute half of detection threshold
glass_banias_minor$TiO2[[1L]] <- 0.5
cancor_ord(glass_banias, glass_banias_minor)
#> $cor
#> [1] 1 1 1 1 1
#> $xcoef
#>            [,1]       [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]
#> SiO2  -2.296248 -11.369291 -2.825844 -1.997054 -2.879401
#> Na2O   1.035333   3.948798  1.016188  2.099571  2.843217
#> CaO   -1.915708 -13.652940 -3.999884 -2.203852 -3.775547
#> Al2O3  1.133790  11.090690  4.050155  4.884709  4.535237
#> MgO   -7.830795 -31.099321 -8.668147 -6.685554 -6.686017
#> $ycoef
#>            [,1]       [,2]        [,3]       [,4]     [,5]
#> TiO2  -3.214755  -2.257585   0.6077935  0.8226229 2.960014
#> FeO    6.509558  -1.818302  -3.6350924  2.2052729 0.000000
#> MnO    5.290203   2.278202  -3.6872234 -2.0749981 0.000000
#> P2O5 -14.417571 -17.411690   0.3602733 -4.7270262 0.000000
#> Cl    25.883235   3.745439 -11.0966777 -7.1368602 0.000000
#> $xcenter
#>      SiO2      Na2O       CaO     Al2O3       MgO       K2O 
#> 70.691667 12.196667  8.383333  1.210000  2.736667  2.045000 
#> $ycenter
#>      TiO2       FeO       MnO      P2O5        Cl       SO3 
#> 0.1933333 0.4300000 0.9666667 0.2700000 0.8100000 0.3483333 
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "cancor_ord"

# calculate canonical scores and structure correlations
glass_cca <-
  cancor_ord(glass_banias[, 1:3], glass_banias_minor[, 1:3], scores = TRUE)
# scores
#>             [,1]         [,2]       [,3]
#> [1,]  0.08625757  0.564009626  0.5086737
#> [2,] -0.06325679  0.009686013  0.4449230
#> [3,] -0.31243762 -0.589123478  0.1458326
#> [4,]  0.85114073 -0.156299524 -0.2733283
#> [5,] -0.34697599  0.470284132 -0.6433738
#> [6,] -0.21472789 -0.298556769 -0.1827271
# intraset correlations
#>            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
#> SiO2 -0.9261925  0.3749912 0.03935800
#> Na2O -0.5467957  0.5715073 0.61187732
#> CaO   0.7639885 -0.6435255 0.04686735
# interset correlations
glass_cca$xstructure %*% diag(glass_cca$cor)
#>            [,1]       [,2]       [,3]
#> SiO2 -0.9261925  0.3594308 0.02748688
#> Na2O -0.5467957  0.5477923 0.42732349
#> CaO   0.7639885 -0.6168220 0.03273126