Sites, types, and compositions of glass samples from archaeological sites in Israel.



A tibble with 68 cases and 16 variables:


site at which sample was found


analysis identifier


furnace identifier


type of sample

SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, FeO, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, Cl, SO3

normalized weight percent oxide of each component


Freestone &al (2000), Table 2.


Chunks of unformed glass from several furnaces found at the primary Byzantine-era site of Bet Eli'ezer, along with samples from other sites with weaker evidence of glass-making (Apollonia and Dor) and and from an Islamic-era site (Banias), were analyzed using X-ray spectrometry to determine their major components.

Baxter & Freestone (2006) used these data to illustrate log-ratio analysis.


Freestone IC, Gorin-Rosen Y, & Hughes MJ (2000) "Primary glass from Israel and the production of glass in Late Antiquity and the early Islamic period". La route du verre: Ateliers primaires et secondaires du second millénaire av. J.-C. au Moyen Âge: 65–83.

Baxter MJ & Freestone IC (2006) "Log-Ratio Compositional Data Analysis in Archaeometry". Archaeometry, 48(3): 511–531. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.2006.00270.x


# subset glass data to one site and major components
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#>   Site       Anal  Context Form   SiO2  TiO2 Al2O3   FeO   MnO   MgO   CaO  Na2O
#>   <chr>      <chr> <chr>   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Bet Eli'e… 1     L14.B1… Chunk  76.0 NA     3.29  0.45   0.1  0.57  5.96  12.1
#> 2 Bet Eli'e… 2     L14.B1… Chunk  73.6  0.16  3.7   0.85  NA    0.68  6.65  13.0
#> 3 Bet Eli'e… 3     L14.B1… Chunk  75.0  0.13  3.36  0.53  NA    0.58  7.27  11.4
#> 4 Bet Eli'e… 4     L14.B1… Chunk  76.0 NA     3.06  0.35   0.1  0.61  7.63  11.3
#> 5 Bet Eli'e… 5     L14.B1… Chunk  75.9 NA     3.13  0.33  NA    0.65  7.49  11.4
#> 6 Bet Eli'e… 6     L14.B1… Chunk  74.4  0.14  3.33  0.45  NA    0.62  7.2   12.6
#> # ℹ 4 more variables: K2O <dbl>, P2O5 <dbl>, Cl <dbl>, SO3 <dbl>
glass_main <- subset(
  Site == "Bet Eli'ezer",
  select = c("SiO2", "Na2O", "CaO", "Al2O3", "MgO", "K2O")
# format as a data frame with row names
glass_main <-
rownames(glass_main) <- subset(glass, Site == "Bet Eli'ezer")$Anal

# perform log-ratio analysis
glass_lra <- lra(glass_main, compositional = TRUE, weighted = FALSE)
# inspect LRA row and column coordinates
#>         LRSV1       LRSV2      LRSV3      LRSV4      LRSV5
#> 1 -0.04710674 -0.71421468 -0.1481599  2.0743704  1.4967846
#> 2  1.06477553  0.29251672  0.7714624  0.8939097 -0.9176510
#> 3  0.18390009 -0.41583336 -0.6223075 -0.6353946 -0.2492736
#> 4 -0.50865018  0.05740889 -0.5126957 -1.0951873  0.7896664
#> 5 -0.86538619  0.38109842 -0.6578733 -0.1765439  0.1192224
#> 6 -1.37184826 -0.53735808 -0.3574370  1.4192209 -1.3690434
#>            LRSV1      LRSV2      LRSV3      LRSV4       LRSV5
#> SiO2  -0.3208528 -0.4140707 -1.1214862  0.3234513  1.83391575
#> Na2O  -0.5797004 -1.0229552  1.7646198  0.7054758  0.07701303
#> CaO   -1.1181033 -0.2446487 -0.3429045 -1.7573115 -0.69589148
#> Al2O3  0.6587363 -0.6516092 -1.0691711  1.0070705 -1.40860005
#> MgO   -0.5349928  2.0542100  0.1946826  0.6532841 -0.17123886
#> K2O    1.8949130  0.2790737  0.5742595 -0.9319702  0.36480160
# inspect singular values of LRA
#> [1] 0.06502356 0.04802956 0.03826908 0.03063650 0.01432346

# plot samples and measurements in a biplot
  x = glass_lra$row.coords %*% diag(glass_lra$sv),
  y = glass_lra$column.coords,
  xlab = "Sample (principal coord.)", ylab = ""
mtext("Component (standard coord.)", side = 4L, line = 3L)