These functions adapt dplyr verbs to the factors of a tbl_ord.

The raw verbs are not defined for tbl_ords; instead, each verb has two analogues, corresponding to the two matrix factors. They each rely on a common workhorse function, which takes the composition of the dplyr verb with annotation_*, applied to the factor, removes any variables corresponding to coordinates or already annotated, and only then assigns it as the new "*_annotation" attribute of .data (see annotation). Note that these functions are not generics and so cannot be extended to other classes.

pull_factor(.data, var = -1, .matrix)

pull_rows(.data, var = -1)

pull_cols(.data, var = -1)

rename_rows(.data, ...)

rename_cols(.data, ...)

select_rows(.data, ...)

select_cols(.data, ...)

mutate_rows(.data, ...)

mutate_cols(.data, ...)

transmute_rows(.data, ...)

transmute_cols(.data, ...)

cbind_rows(.data, ..., elements = "all")

cbind_cols(.data, ..., elements = "all")

left_join_rows(.data, ...)

left_join_cols(.data, ...)



An object of class 'tbl_ord'.


A variable specified as in dplyr::pull().


A character string partially matched (lowercase) to several indicators for one or both matrices in a matrix decomposition used for ordination. The standard values are "rows", "cols", and "dims" (for both).


Comma-separated unquoted expressions as in, e.g., dplyr::select().


Character vector; which elements of each factor for which to render graphical elements. One of "all" (the default), "active", or any supplementary element type defined by the specific class methods (e.g. "score" for 'factanal', 'lda_ord', and 'cancord_ord' and "intraset" and "interset" for 'cancor_ord').


A tbl_ord; the wrapped model is unchanged.


# illustrative ordination: LDA of iris data
(iris_lda <- ordinate(iris, cols = 1:4, lda_ord, grouping = iris$Species))
#> Warning: Could not locate data used to fit 'x'.
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 5 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   name        prior counts .element
#>                |   <chr>       <dbl>  <int> <chr>   
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 setosa      0.333     50 active  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 versicolor  0.333     50 active  
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 virginica   0.333     50 active  
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 NA         NA         NA score   
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 NA         NA         NA score   
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: Species <fct>
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 2 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   name         .element
#>                  |   <chr>        <chr>   
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1 Sepal.Length active  
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2 Sepal.Width  active  
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3 Petal.Length active  
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4 Petal.Width  active  

# extract a coordinate or annotation
head(pull_rows(iris_lda, Species))
#> [1] <NA>   <NA>   <NA>   setosa setosa setosa
#> Levels: setosa versicolor virginica
pull_cols(iris_lda, LD2)
#> [1] -0.02410215 -2.16452123  0.93192121 -2.83918785

# rename an annotation
rename_cols(iris_lda, species = name)
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 5 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   name        prior counts .element
#>                |   <chr>       <dbl>  <int> <chr>   
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 setosa      0.333     50 active  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 versicolor  0.333     50 active  
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 virginica   0.333     50 active  
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 NA         NA         NA score   
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 NA         NA         NA score   
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: Species <fct>
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 2 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   species      .element
#>                  |   <chr>        <chr>   
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1 Sepal.Length active  
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2 Sepal.Width  active  
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3 Petal.Length active  
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4 Petal.Width  active  

# select annotations
select_rows(iris_lda, species = name, .element)
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 2 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   species    .element
#>                |   <chr>      <chr>   
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 setosa     active  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 versicolor active  
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 virginica  active  
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 NA         score   
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 NA         score   
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 2 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   name         .element
#>                  |   <chr>        <chr>   
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1 Sepal.Length active  
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2 Sepal.Width  active  
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3 Petal.Length active  
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4 Petal.Width  active  

# create, modify, and delete annotations
mutate_cols(iris_lda, vec.length = sqrt(LD1^2 + LD2^2))
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 5 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   name        prior counts .element
#>                |   <chr>       <dbl>  <int> <chr>   
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 setosa      0.333     50 active  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 versicolor  0.333     50 active  
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 virginica   0.333     50 active  
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 NA         NA         NA score   
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 NA         NA         NA score   
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: Species <fct>
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 3 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   name         .element vec.length
#>                  |   <chr>        <chr>         <dbl>
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1 Sepal.Length active        0.830
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2 Sepal.Width  active        2.65 
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3 Petal.Length active        2.39 
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4 Petal.Width  active        3.99 
transmute_cols(iris_lda, vec.length = sqrt(LD1^2 + LD2^2))
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 5 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   name        prior counts .element
#>                |   <chr>       <dbl>  <int> <chr>   
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 setosa      0.333     50 active  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 versicolor  0.333     50 active  
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 virginica   0.333     50 active  
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 NA         NA         NA score   
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 NA         NA         NA score   
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: Species <fct>
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 1 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   vec.length
#>                  |        <dbl>
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1      0.830
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2      2.65 
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3      2.39 
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4      3.99 

# bind data frames of annotations
iris_medians <-
  stats::aggregate(iris[, 1:4], median, by = iris[, 5, drop = FALSE])
# TODO: Requirement of `.elements` for matching is fragile.
iris_lda %>%
  # retain '.element' in order to match by `elements`
  select_rows(.element) %>%
  cbind_rows(iris_medians, elements = "active")
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 6 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   .element Species    Sepal.Length
#>                |   <chr>    <fct>             <dbl>
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 active   setosa              5  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 active   versicolor          5.9
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 active   virginica           6.5
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 score    NA                 NA  
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 score    NA                 NA  
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables:
#> #   Sepal.Width <dbl>,
#> #   Petal.Length <dbl>,
#> #   Petal.Width <dbl>
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 2 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   name         .element
#>                  |   <chr>        <chr>   
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1 Sepal.Length active  
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2 Sepal.Width  active  
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3 Petal.Length active  
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4 Petal.Width  active  
iris_lda %>%
  select_rows(name, Species) %>%
  left_join_rows(iris_medians, by = c("name" = "Species"))
#> # A tbl_ord of class 'lda_ord': (153 x 2) x (4 x 2)'
#> # 2 coordinates: LD1 and LD2
#> # 
#> # Rows (principal): [ 153 x 2 | 6 ]
#>     LD1    LD2 |   name       Species Sepal.Length
#>                |   <chr>      <fct>          <dbl>
#> 1  7.61 -0.215 | 1 setosa     NA               5  
#> 2 -1.83  0.728 | 2 versicolor NA               5.9
#> 3 -5.78 -0.513 | 3 virginica  NA               6.5
#> 4 NA    NA     | 4 NA         setosa          NA  
#> 5 NA    NA     | 5 NA         setosa          NA  
#> # ℹ 148 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables:
#> #   Sepal.Width <dbl>,
#> #   Petal.Length <dbl>,
#> #   Petal.Width <dbl>
#> # 
#> # Columns (standard): [ 4 x 2 | 2 ]
#>      LD1     LD2 |   name         .element
#>                  |   <chr>        <chr>   
#> 1  0.829 -0.0241 | 1 Sepal.Length active  
#> 2  1.53  -2.16   | 2 Sepal.Width  active  
#> 3 -2.20   0.932  | 3 Petal.Length active  
#> 4 -2.81  -2.84   | 4 Petal.Width  active