Test igraph objects for affiliation network structure or impose such structure if possible.



as_an(graph, add.type.attribute = FALSE)

as.an(graph, add.type.attribute = FALSE)



An igraph object.


Logical; whether to introduce a type attribute if graph has none before testing for bipartite structure.


An affiliation network is a bipartite graph whose nodes are classified as actors and events in such a way that all links are between actors and events. The function is_bipartite tests an `igraph` object for a type attribute, which is intended to bipartition of the nodes. It does not test whether the links respect this partition. The function is_an tests this, as well as the condition that actor nodes precede event nodes in their node IDs, which simplifies some other functions. The function as_an coerces an `igraph` object to an affiliation network by verifying that the object is bipartite and minimally permuting the node IDs. If graph has no type attribute and add.type.attribute is FALSE, then as_an throws an error; if add.type.attribute is TRUE, then as_an introduces a logical type attribute that takes the value FALSE at the first node (by node ID) in each connected component and TRUE or FALSE at the remaining nodes according as they are an odd or even number of hops from the first.

See also

Original igraph functions: is_igraph

Other network testing and coercion: dynamic_an